Founded in 1971 by Fr. John Ware, the House ofShalom began as a meeting place where teenagers could come together for recreational activities and discussion of experiences that affect their daily lives. Deepening of values and principals; caring for oneself
and others are still at the heart of the Youth Centres philosophy. Organized weekly meetings are conducted by both full time staff and dedicated volunteers to insure the continued growth in
character and confidence within the youth of

The House of Shalom Youth Center offers weekly self-eseem meetings and activities for high school teenagers & young adults of the communinity."Shalom" a Habrew word meaning welcome and peace Was chosen because it is the atmosphere that the Centre strives to create for all.Members of the Youth Centre have available ping-pong,pool tables, a ceramic program.LL. and games roam.Special events such as dances. tournaments. and a theatre play production are also opportunities for members to "get involved ."

Requirements to be a member are attendance at one's weekly meeting, a $ 10.00 membership fee and following the rules of behaviour which are posted in the Centre .Hours are monday to Friday after school to 4:30 pm, 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.. Saturdays and weekends away to be announced. For information call 736-6811 or  e-mail to